What You Should Know About Ozempic

What You Should Know About Ozempic

In 2023, Ozempic became a household name and a topic that seemingly everyone was talking about. And so far in 2024, this influx of Ozempic chatter shows no signs of letting up.

Now that it’s become a trendy medication, it looks like more people will be using, and talking about Ozempic, than ever before. Why? Two words: weight loss.

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The Best Of Pure Joy Wellness 2023 - Part 2

The Best Of Pure Joy Wellness 2023 - Part 2

Welcome back to the Best of Pure Joy Wellness 2023, Part Two! Last week I shared eight of our top articles from this year—which covered everything from gut healing and sitting to sex, memory, aging, and more.

In this week’s roundup (and our second to last post of the year!), we’re talking physical, mental, AND financial health. Scroll through the list below to check out these can’t-miss posts! 

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The Best of Pure Joy Wellness 2023 - Part 1

The Best of Pure Joy Wellness 2023 - Part 1

In just two weeks, 2023 will come to a close—and geez, it’s been a year! So much has happened in my life: a lot of hurt, a lot of healing, tons of good memories, and some hardship, too.

During this time of year I find myself feeling extra reflective, as I think most people do, so it feels fitting to continue my tradition of rounding up the Best Of Pure Joy Wellness blog posts from this year—consider it our year in review, and a great opportunity to catch up on any of our best posts that you missed!

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Embracing the Joy: The Healing Power of Hugs

Embracing the Joy: The Healing Power of Hugs

Ah, the holiday season—the time for friends, family, and togetherness. This time of year is my absolute favorite, and one thing that makes these moments extra special for me is all of the hugs I get from people I love. I used to wonder why these embraces made me so good, and then I decided to look into the science behind hugs.

It turns out—hugging is really good for you! Whether it's a bear hug or a group squeeze, wrapping yourself in a good ol' hug has amazing benefits for your body and mind. So in honor of this holiday season, I’m sharing with you all of the reasons you should give and receive hugs.

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It's My Birthday!! 67 Years Baby!

It's My Birthday!! 67 Years Baby!

Today is my 67th birthday! I can’t believe it! I love birthdays and I always enjoy celebrating mine. Every year, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to be who I am and where I am in life.

I'd like to ask you all a question: How do you feel about your birthday? For many people, it's a day filled with excitement, laughter, and joy—a day to bask in the warmth of "Happy Birthday" songs and indulge in your favorite desserts. For others, it's a day they'd prefer to skip—a reminder of another year passing by, marked by a fear of getting older.

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The Truth About Inflammation

The Truth About Inflammation

Chronic inflammation has become a topic of increasing interest in the fields of health and wellness. Spices like turmeric and ginger, and modalities like infrared saunas have risen in popularity as people look for new ways to combat inflammation.

Chronic inflammation is both a sign and symptom of numerous health conditions, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, obesity, and more. It’s no wonder why people are concerned and trying to learn more about this!

In this week’s blog post, I’m breaking down inflammation and giving you some tips on how to keep your own at bay

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How To Revamp Your Skincare Routine For Autumn & Winter

How To Revamp Your Skincare Routine For Autumn & Winter

As the leaves change and the temperature drops, it's time to switch up our skincare! In the colder months, it’s especially important to give your skin the extra care and attention it needs.

In this week's blog, I’m sharing the essential steps I take to ensure that my skin stays healthy, hydrated, and glowing even on the coldest days!

Read on to see my best advice for changing up your skincare for fall and winter. 

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How To Get A Handle On Your Money (Part 2)

How To Get A Handle On Your Money (Part 2)

Welcome back to How To Get A Handle On Your Money - Part 2! If you missed Part 1 last week (you can find it here), I asked Victoria Sechrist, a personal finance coach based in New England, to lend us her financial expertise and give us her best tips. In Part 2, she talks about common money mistakes, setting money goals, and more! 

If you read Part 1 of this series, hopefully you’ve collected all of your financial data and have started tracking your spending. You’re one step closer to living in financial truth! Which means you don’t have any illusions about your financial situation; you know exactly where you stand. 

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How To Get A Handle On Your Finances (Because No, It's Not Too Late!)

How To Get A Handle On Your Finances (Because No, It's Not Too Late!)

Many women I know, particularly in their 50s and 60s, have expressed to me that they don’t feel totally secure in their finances. Oftentimes our situations change as we age—maybe we lose a job, source of income, or partner. If that’s been the case for you, or you’ve never felt totally in control of your money, there is no time like the present to take back the reins.

A lot of people think that once they hit a certain age, it’s too late—but it’s never too late! To give us some financial advice and insight, I asked Victoria Sechrist, a personal finance coach based in New England, to lend us her expertise.

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How To Make Your Kitchen A Healthier One

How To Make Your Kitchen A Healthier One

When it comes to cooking and what I stock my kitchen with, I’m always trying to make choices that benefit both my health and the planet. In the last year alone, I’ve become considerably more environmentally conscious, and in doing so, I’ve been able to cut back on a major source of toxins in my life: plastic. 

Most of our kitchens are filled with plastic, from our cooking utensils and containers, to plates, cups, water bottles and beyond. During my kids' childhoods, it made more sense to have plastic items in my kitchen—like when they were learning how to hold things, or dragging a sippy cup around—but now, there’s no real reason for me to have plastic. In fact, there are a LOT of reasons for me to not have plastic around, especially near my food. 

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My Top Foods For Eliminating Bloat This Summer

My Top Foods For Eliminating Bloat This Summer

Feeling bloated? I can relate! Everyone experiences bloating at some point—some of us more frequently than others. For a lot of people, bloating is particularly commonplace in the summer,

when we tend to consume more salt and more easily become dehydrated. (The latter happens because we sweat more in the summer, and contrary to what you would think, we often drink less water, too.) Bloating is normal, though, and it can be alleviated by eating certain gut-boosting foods.

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Why Eye Exams Matter & What To Know Before You Go

Why Eye Exams Matter & What To Know Before You Go

Many people don’t know this (I didn’t before I learned it), but a lot can be determined about your health through your eyes. That’s why it’s so important to get a proper eye exam every year.

Eye doctors can spot chronic illness and diseases through your eyes—all you have to do is schedule the exam and show up. This goes for everyone, whether or not you wear glasses or contact lenses.

Here are a couple reasons why annual eye exams are necessary for all of us, and what to expect when you go in for one.

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The Best 5 Minute Workout for Stronger Arms

The Best 5 Minute Workout for Stronger Arms

The Fourth of July is this coming Tuesday, and if you’re in charge of the cooking or grilling, your arm strength is about to be put to the test!

Plus, summer is the season of bare arms—short sleeves, tank tops, you know the deal. If you want to feel strong and toned this summer, but you don’t have a ton of time on your hands, I’ve got the ideal routine for you!

This five minute arm workout is efficient, effective, and it targets the major muscles in the arm. 

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Why Balance Is Important (& How To Improve Yours)

Why Balance Is Important (& How To Improve Yours)

When we think of aging healthfully, most of us look only at the big ticket items. We think about our diet/nutrition, our workout/movement routine, maybe our sleep, but there are other aspects of health that we tend to ignore that are just as (or more) important! One of those, which I’ll discuss today, is BALANCE.

Balance as a skill and capability is highly underrated and underappreciated, even though it affects everything we do.

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Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Peepers Reading Glasses

Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Peepers Reading Glasses

With Memorial Day Weekend in full bloom, I thought it would be fitting to feature one of my all-time favorite products to kick off the summer. 

This month’s PJW Approved product is Peepers reading glasses

They are stylish and they have so many options to choose from. 

No one wants to wear glasses that look stuffy, outdated, or boring! Well, that’s not a problem with Peepers. They have tons of color schemes and shapes that flatter any face. They also come out with new styles and color palettes all the time—think tortoise shell, quartz colors, jewel tones, etc.

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Celebrating Mother's Day: 15 Lessons I Learned From My Mom

Celebrating Mother's Day: 15 Lessons I Learned From My Mom

Happy Mother’s Day!

In the spirit of Mother's Day, I wanted to dedicate this week's newsletter to my mom, Emily Williams.  I've been fortunate enough to meet a lot of incredible people—especially women!— throughout my life, but my mother was one of a kind, and she had a profound and lasting impact on me.

She was the bravest, most resilient woman I've ever known, and even though she passed some time ago, I miss her every day.  She was my best friend.

Here are 15 of the many lessons I learned from my mother that have stayed with me to this day.

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How To Cope With Depression—My Advice

How To Cope With Depression—My Advice

The conversation around mental health has expanded and deepened A LOT—more and more people are talking about their struggles every day—but we still have a long way to go if we’re going to actually destigmatize mental health (which I see as a goal that would truly benefit us all). 

Personally, I’ve dealt with depression at various points throughout my life, the most recent being the depression that stemmed from the death of my long-time partner last year. I felt emotions and pain beyond anything I’d ever felt before, and it’s taken until now, almost a full year later, for me to feel like I’m coming out on the other side.

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The Power Of Power Walking

The Power Of Power Walking

Calling all Pure Joy Wellness Walking Warriors!!! The Walking Challenge starts THIS SATURDAY, April 29! 

For those of you who have done the Challenge before, you know the drill. We’ll be walking 30 minutes, for 30 days straight—no excuses!

For those of you who are new to PJW, the Walking Challenge is the highlight of my year (so much so that I host it twice a year!). It’s a time when the whole PJW community of women comes together to support each other and prioritize our own mental and physical well-being.

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How To Spring Clean Your Mind & Increase Your Joy

How To Spring Clean Your Mind & Increase Your Joy

At long last, spring is here! Boy, it feels like this winter lasted forever, and I am so happy to have sunny, warmer days ahead of us. 

Whenever the season changes, especially from winter to spring, I find myself feeling very introspective. I’m constantly checking myself and monitoring my mindset, but every year when spring rolls around, I do what I call “mental spring cleaning.” In short, I take whatever is clogging and cluttering my mind, and I consciously try to get rid of it. I find this kind of exercise very cathartic and healing, and it’s become my yearly tradition. 

I’ve told a lot of my friends and clients about this mental spring cleaning practice, and they all seem to really like it, so I thought, why not share it on the blog?

Here’s how you can do some mental spring cleaning yourself, so you can go into this next season feeling clear and fresh. 

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The Importance Of Vitamin D

The Importance Of Vitamin D

Growing up, many of us were told about the importance of vitamins—maybe by our parents, maybe in our health class.

By now it’s pretty common knowledge that we should strive to get enough vitamins every day…but what does that really mean? “Vitamins” is a pretty broad category, and each one aids the body in totally different ways.

I think it’s important that we each know which vitamins we need, and how getting enough of them (or not enough) impacts how our bodies function.

In this week’s blog post, I want to focus on vitamin D.

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