At long last, spring is here! Boy, it feels like this winter lasted forever, and I am so happy to have sunny, warmer days ahead of us.
Whenever the season changes, especially from winter to spring, I find myself feeling very introspective. I’m constantly checking myself and monitoring my mindset, but every year when spring rolls around, I do what I call “mental spring cleaning.” In short, I take whatever is clogging and cluttering my mind, and I consciously try to get rid of it. I find this kind of exercise very cathartic and healing, and it’s become my yearly tradition.
I’ve told a lot of my friends and clients about this mental spring cleaning practice, and they all seem to really like it, so I thought, why not share it on the blog?
Here’s how you can do some mental spring cleaning yourself, so you can go into this next season feeling clear and fresh.
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