How To Revamp Your Skincare Routine For Autumn & Winter

As the leaves change and the temperature drops, it's time to switch up our skincare! In the colder months, it’s especially important to give your skin the extra care and attention it needs. In this week's blog, I’m sharing the essential steps I take to ensure that my skin stays healthy, hydrated, and glowing even on the coldest days! Read on to see my best advice for changing up your skincare for fall and winter. 

Step #1: Assess Your Current Skincare Routine 

Before diving into fall and winter skincare, let's start by evaluating your current routine. Take a moment to consider how your skin has been behaving during the transition from summer to autumn. Has it felt drier lately? Have you noticed any changes in texture or sensitivity? Are you experiencing any flakiness or irritation? Understanding your skin's unique needs is the best first step towards building an effective routine.

Step #2: Switch to a Gentler Cleanser

If you have sensitive skin, you may already be using a gentle cleanser. If not, it’s time to switch. Harsh cleansers—think ones with alcohol or acids—can strip your skin of its natural oils and moisture, leading to dryness and irritation. Instead, choose a cleanser that moisturizes while cleaning and leaves your skin feeling soft and supple.

Here are some product options for you that I love: 

Step #3: Exfoliation and Dead Skin Removal 

Exfoliation is still okay to do during colder months, but you may want to reduce the frequency. Cold air makes our skin drier and more sensitive, which means it’s more likely to be irritated by a strong exfoliating product. Aim for gentle exfoliation once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells without over-stripping your skin.

Product recommendations: 

Step #4: Moisturizing and Hydration 

Hydration is your skin's best friend in the fall and winter. Invest in a richer moisturizer to lock in moisture and protect against the drying effects of indoor heating. Look for products containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides for maximum hydration. I like to apply mine when my face is still a bit wet after cleansing, with hopes of locking in that extra moisture. 

Product recs: 

Step #5: Sun Protection 

Skin damage can happen all year round—so don't pack away your sunscreen just yet! Even in the fall and winter, harmful UV rays can still reach your skin. You should continue to use a broad-spectrum SPF product to shield your skin from potential damage.

Product recs: 

Step #6: Lip and Eye Care 

Remember that lips and eyes are particularly vulnerable to cold weather. Keep them hydrated with a nourishing lip balm and an eye cream that targets dryness and fine lines.

Product recs: 

Step #7: Nourishing Masks and Serums 

This time of year, our skin can take all the extra self-care we can give it. One way I do that is by incorporating hydrating masks and serums into my routine. These treatments can provide an extra layer of nourishment and protection during the colder months.

Product recs: 

Step #8: Customizing for Skin Types 

Finally, the most important step is to curate your skincare routine to fit with your unique skin type. Whether you have dry, oily, combination, or sensitive skin, there are specific products and routines to address your needs.

Here's a quick checklist to ensure you have all the essentials for your fall and winter skincare arsenal:

  • Gentle cleanser

  • Hydrating moisturizer

  • SPF sunscreen

  • Lip balm

  • Eye cream

  • Exfoliant (if needed)

  • Hydrating masks or serums

  • Nourishing foods and hydration

While we focus on external skincare, remember that what you eat and drink also plays a huge role in your skin's health. Hydrate from within by drinking plenty of water and incorporating foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, into your diet. Embrace the changing seasons with a renewed skincare routine that pampers and protects your skin, and don't forget to stay consistent with your updated regimen!

I hope these tips and product recommendations help you achieve radiant and healthy skin all year round. And if you have any fall and winter skincare tips of your own, share them in the comments below! Subscribe to our newsletter and join our subscription group on Patreon for more skincare advice, product reviews, and seasonal updates.

