What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Disease

What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Disease

Generally speaking, women have lower rates of heart disease than men. This is especially true for men and women in the first half of their lives. As we age, though, and after women go through menopause, their risk of heart disease goes up. Believe it or not, heart disease is actually the leading cause of death for both women and men… about 1 in 4 people die from it, and 1 in 5 women die from it.

And speaking of women, the heart disease statistics for us are even more startling. Heart disease kills more women than all types of cancer combined, including breast cancer. Not to mention, women are less likely to be correctly diagnosed and treated than men. So why don’t we hear more about it? Why aren’t we talking more about what we can do to prevent it?

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Intermittent Fasting 101: What You Need To Know

Intermittent Fasting 101: What You Need To Know

Intermittent fasting is a term that’s thrown around a lot in the health and wellness world. In the last decade alone, IF has become a popular trend amongst those looking to lose weight, regulate digestion, and improve overall their health.

Whether you have considered doing intermittent fasting or have never heard of it before, IF has a lot of potential health benefits to offer you—and it’s an effective tactic for women who want to lose unwanted weight after menopause.

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Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Beauty Cocktail Collagen Powder

Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Beauty Cocktail Collagen Powder

If you watched my Instagram Live with Dr. Nigma Talib a few weeks ago, you know that I’m a proponent of eating for better skin. What happens in the gut doesn’t stay in the gut—and actually, signs of premature aging like fine lines and wrinkles have been linked to poor diet and gut health.

I’m not one to take a million supplements or powders—I’ve spent years trying out hundreds of them, and I’ve learned what works for me. One exception I make nowadays, though, is for this month’s Pure Joy Wellness Approved product.

Introducing: The Beauty Cocktail Collagen Powder from Dr. Nigma Talib

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5 Of My Favorite Protein Powders On The Market

5 Of My Favorite Protein Powders On The Market

Whether you are trying to lose weight, build lean muscle mass, or simply improve your health, getting enough protein in your diet is essential. Not only does eating protein keep you satiated (and keep you from constantly snacking or binging), but it helps with blood sugar stabilization, muscle recovery, cognitive function, and so much more.

Even though I do eat meat—mostly fish and chicken with the occasional steak—sometimes I still find it difficult to get as much protein as my body needs to function properly.

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How To Makeover Your Bedroom For Sleep Hygiene & Better Sleep

How To Makeover Your Bedroom For Sleep Hygiene & Better Sleep

Let’s talk about SLEEP! Did you know that 70 percent of adults in the U.S. aren’t getting enough sleep? That’s 50 to 70 million people… and maybe you’re one of them. If you’re tired of being tired, and are looking for ways to improve your sleep quality, this blog post is for you!

There are many factors that can contribute to sleep issues. But no matter the diagnosis, our bedrooms can be part of the problem and re-evaluating our sleeping spaces can be a drug-free way to treat insomnia!

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How Healthy People Eat - Tips & Tricks from Kristen Coffield

How Healthy People Eat - Tips & Tricks from Kristen Coffield

Last Wednesday, I had the pleasure of hosting Kristen Coffield on my Expert Instagram Lives! In case you missed it, Kristen is the author of “How Healthy People Eat” and the founder and owner of The Culinary Cure.

She’s a culinary wellness coach who is dedicated to helping people live younger, longer, and better—needless to say, we have a lot in common!

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Here's Why All Women Over 50 Need An Exercise Revamp

Here's Why All Women Over 50 Need An Exercise Revamp

Let’s cut right to the chase: You’ve known for some time now that exercise is important when it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy body. But what you may not know is that as you cross over to your 50’s and beyond, the type of exercise you do takes on more significance.

Doing the same old workout routine that you did in your youth isn’t going to serve you well as you get older.

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Your Hands Are Aging—Here's What You Should Do ASAP

Your Hands Are Aging—Here's What You Should Do ASAP

There are certain areas of our bodies that are more susceptible to visible signs of aging than others—and believe it or not, one of those spots is our hands. That’s right, your hands are a dead giveaway! Especially after the year we had in 2020, with tons of hand washing and sanitizer galore, it’s no wonder that our hands are dry, cracking, and aging as a result.

For me, I’ve noticed that washing my hands so much has made my hands look older. While hand washing is obviously necessary, this is an unexpected side effect that I don’t love.

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10 Foods To Stop Buying & Make Yourself Instead

10 Foods To Stop Buying & Make Yourself Instead

When it comes to eating a holistic diet, homemade food is healthier than store bought food the majority of the time. What do I mean by “homemade” food? I’m talking about the snacks, stocks, sauces, and other forms of sustenance that we can make at home with whole, fresh ingredients, but that we often end up buying at the grocery store out of convenience.

Not only do the store bought versions of certain foods cost more per serving (yes, there’s a premium on convenience), but they almost always contain unnecessary and unhealthy ingredients. Preservatives, fillers, gums, and extra sodium are frequently added to food products to extend their shelf life or change their texture

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Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Tabu Sexual Wellness Kit

Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Tabu Sexual Wellness Kit

As women over 50, something we don’t talk about enough is sex. Why is that?! Sex isn’t something we age out of—it’s not something we’re barred off from once we turn a certain age. Sex can and should be enjoyed by women at any age, whether you have a partner, you’re seeing someone, or you’re single.

However, that doesn’t seem to be the case right now for many women. Did you know that almost 50 percent of women stop being sexually active altogether in their 50s? I know, wild.

This month’s Pure Joy Wellness Approved product is all natural and sex-forward. Ladies, let’s talk about the Sexual Wellness Kit from Tabu.

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How To Update Your Skincare For Summer

How To Update Your Skincare For Summer

As we make our way through spring and inch closer to summer (the official first day is June 20), it’s time for us to shift our skincare routine to align with the seasons.

So let’s switch it up for summer! To help us out, I asked our resident skincare expert and master esthetician Cynthia Rivas for her best advice on summer skincare.

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5 Affordable Pieces Of Workout Equipment You Can Travel With

5 Affordable Pieces Of Workout Equipment You Can Travel With

We’ve all been there—we book a vacation, get to our destination, realize there isn’t a gym, and suddenly all of our hard work and consistency go out the window. We make excuses and end up skipping our regular workouts, and when we get back from vacation, we feel defeated knowing we have to start over again.

I cannot tell you how many times this happened to me when I started my fitness journey! Also, even when there is a gym on the premises, sometimes I only have 20 or 30 minutes free in the day, and by the time I get dressed and trek over to the gym, it feels like I don’t have enough time to get anything meaningful done. And other times, I’m too tired to leave my room! So now, I always bring equipment with me.

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Gua Sha: Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Should Do It

Gua Sha: Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Should Do It

If you’re someone who is into skincare—or you spend time on social media—you have probably heard of Gua Sha. Or maybe you haven’t, and this will all be new news. Either way, keep reading!

Today, I’m going to try and give you an overview of Gua Sha—what it is, what the benefits are, and how you can get started if you’re interested.

So, let’s do it. Here’s everything you need to know about Gua Sha!

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Low Libido? Here's What Our Sex Expert Recommends

Low Libido? Here's What Our Sex Expert Recommends

Low libido, no libido, low sex drive, no sex drive… Does this sound like you? Keep reading.

If you would rather do anything—organize your sock drawer, alphabetize your spices, clean up your Inbox, binge-watch reruns on Netflix—than have sex with your partner, chances are you’re experiencing low libido or no libido.

Decreased libido, is a common complaint among pre and post menopausal women (and their partners), and more often than not, it’s caused by our hormone fluctuations.

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Why I Have A Bathtime Ritual (And You Should Too)

Why I Have A Bathtime Ritual (And You Should Too)

There are two types of people in this world: People who love baths, and people who haven’t taken a good bath. (Kidding, but only kind of.) I happen to fall into the first category of bath lovers, as I’m a firm believer that a good bath can nourish the mind, body, and soul. That said, I approach my baths with a specific mindset and ritual, which is why I find them so enjoyable and relaxing.

What do I mean by “bathtime ritual?” Well, for me, a bathtime ritual includes all of the tasks I do and products I use to set the atmosphere, mood, and experience.

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Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Beyond Yoga Black Leggings

Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Beyond Yoga Black Leggings

Welcome back to Pure Joy Wellness Approved! It’s hard not to say this about every PJW Approved product—because I love them all—but THIS ONE is one of my absolute favorites that I will never stop buying.

As we’ve learned from our fashion expert Susan Feldman, founder of “In The Groove” every woman needs a reliable pair of black leggings—and let me tell you, I have I found the perfect pair!

This month’s Pure Joy Wellness Approved product is the Beyond Yoga Women’s Spacedye High Waist Midi Leggings.

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How To Shed Your Menopausal Middle

How To Shed Your Menopausal Middle

When we enter the season of menopause, our bodies change...sometimes slowly, and other times quite suddenly. You may wake up one day feeling like you’re in a different body—one that has less energy, a lower metabolism, and a worse mood. Naturally, these changes can be deeply distressing, and the negative feeling we experience during menopause are very real.

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Why Everyone (Yes, Everyone) Should Lift Heavy Weights

Why Everyone (Yes, Everyone) Should Lift Heavy Weights

When I look back on my fitness journey, It’s hard to believe there was a time when I didn’t lift weights. Believe it or not, I actually didn’t start strength training until my thirties!

At the time, I was working in television and I was the queen of aerobics. My cardiovascular health was outstanding, and sure, I was thin, but I had no muscle mass or tone to speak of. I was skinny, but I wasn’t what I consider now to be fit. It wasn’t until one of my colleagues at the station said, “You know, you would be great at lifting weights,” that I decided to give it a try.

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The Importance of Sleep & Tips For Getting Enough Of It

The Importance of Sleep & Tips For Getting Enough Of It

If there’s one aspect of our health that we should be devoting more attention to, it’s our sleep! The benefits of sleep are extremely well-studied and proven out, so it still surprises me when my clients and friends say they settle for four or five hours a night. (Not that I’m perfect—I also find it hard to get a consistent eight hours, even though I know how important it is!)

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