Why I Started Taking Testosterone

Why I Started Taking Testosterone

There’s been a lot of talk lately about testosterone and whether or not women should be taking it – so I want to share my decades-long experience with HRT, aka hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy (or HRT) has long been used to treat menopausal symptoms in women caused by hormonal changes, like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.

I’ve personally been using HRT for over a decade, but not just the kind you might expect. Most HRT contains estrogen and progesterone – which are female sex hormones – but I’ve actually seen the greatest benefit from testosterone. (And it was something I had to research and ask for – no doctor suggested it to me upfront.)

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What Happens To Your Hair During Menopause

What Happens To Your Hair During Menopause

If you've gone through menopause or are dealing with it now, you know that it comes with plenty of body changes—our skin, sleep patterns, body composition, you name it. But one lesser known side effect of menopause is hair changes—like hair loss, hair thinning, changes in texture, dryness, dullness, and even scalp sensitivity. This is because of the major hormone shift our bodies experience before, during, and after menopause.

I talked about menopausal hair loss a bit a few blog posts ago, when I recommended the Nutrafol supplement, but I wanted to elaborate on the changes our hair can undergo and tell you about the options you have.

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Why Do I Always Have To Pee? We Asked A Urologist & Menopause Expert To Weigh In

Why Do I Always Have To Pee? We Asked A Urologist & Menopause Expert To Weigh In

Feeling like you always have to pee? Trust me, you are not alone. The constant feeling of having to pee—and the urgency associated with that feeling—is very common in women, especially post-menopausal women.

I have experienced this myself during and after menopause, and never understood why it was happening. So for this week’s blog post, I decided to interview Dr Angelish Kumar, a female urologist, menopause expert, and founder of Women’s Urology New York! Here’s what she had to say…

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Low Libido? Here's What Our Sex Expert Recommends

Low Libido? Here's What Our Sex Expert Recommends

Low libido, no libido, low sex drive, no sex drive… Does this sound like you? Keep reading.

If you would rather do anything—organize your sock drawer, alphabetize your spices, clean up your Inbox, binge-watch reruns on Netflix—than have sex with your partner, chances are you’re experiencing low libido or no libido.

Decreased libido, is a common complaint among pre and post menopausal women (and their partners), and more often than not, it’s caused by our hormone fluctuations.

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How To Get Rid Of Hormonal Facial Hair

How To Get Rid Of Hormonal Facial Hair

Along with poochy bellies and sleep disturbances, menopause can straight up make our faces hairer. Yes, I’m talking about hormonal facial hair. This change can take the form of more peach fuzz on your cheeks, coarse hairs on your chin, and even rogue white or gray hairs that seem to show up overnight.

It’s important to know that increased facial hair is totally normal, and that it happens to many of us women making the journey through menopause.

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How To Shed Your Menopausal Middle

How To Shed Your Menopausal Middle

When we enter the season of menopause, our bodies change...sometimes slowly, and other times quite suddenly. You may wake up one day feeling like you’re in a different body—one that has less energy, a lower metabolism, and a worse mood. Naturally, these changes can be deeply distressing, and the negative feeling we experience during menopause are very real.

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“Welcome to Menopause. Deal with it.”

“Welcome to Menopause. Deal with it.”

I was sitting in my doctor’s office, looking for advice and information about a series of telltale symptoms that had really started to bother me. My libido had started going way down, even though I had always thought of myself as a highly sexual person, and suddenly I wasn’t as interested in sex with my partner as I was before.

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