Pure Joy Wellness Approved - The Pelvic Clock

As a fitness aficionado and wellness expert, I’m constantly on the lookout for equipment that I think is worth my money. Usually, that equipment comes in the form of weights, jump ropes, etc. Today, however, I want to talk about my latest discovery, which is a piece of equipment aimed at easing lower back pain and improving our mobility and range of motion. 

Ladies, meet the Pelvic Clock

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When the COVID-19 pandemic started, I, like many of us, found myself sitting way more than usual. I wasn’t traveling to train clients or walking to my usual business meetings. I wasn’t going to the gym or meeting friends at a workout class. Because of that, my left hip became extremely tight, causing me general discomfort as well as lower back pain. I also noticed that I was losing mobility in my hip flexor. I started searching for something that could help, and that’s when I stumbled upon the Pelvic Clock. After just a few uses, I knew this had to be a #PureJoyWellnessApproved product.

Here’s why you need—and I mean NEED—to get one ASAP!

Why I Love This Product

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It’s easy to use once you know how!

So many companies will send you their product and leave you to your own devices—no instructions, no guidance, nada. That is NOT the case with the Pelvic Clock. The company’s website has educational resources and videos to show you how to best use the Pelvic Clock to address whatever specific issue you’re having. They walk you through step-by-step and provide pictures to make sure that you’re using it correctly and get the results you’re seeking. I found that after reading the instructions, I was easily able to complete the exercises I needed to, and just like that, my hips were realigned and my back pain was history!

It’s phenomenal for treating lower back pain, among other issues. 

Lower back pain is no joke, and at least 80 percent of Americans experience it at some point in their lifetime. Whatever your pain is from—excessive sitting, cycling, golfing, etc.—the Pelvic Clock can help you! Rarely can I attribute the fixing of something to a single product or practice, but there’s not a doubt in my mind that the Pelvic Clock gave me my mobility back.

Other issues that the Pelvic Clock can address include hip flexor pain, occasional sciatic trouble, a weak core or pelvic floor, and more. The best part for me is that, now that I have my own Pelvic Clock, I have somewhere to turn anytime one of these issues comes up. I love that in addition to helping with pain management, you can use the Pelvic Clock to help you strengthen your core and pelvic floor—something I believe all women should actively be doing. 

The company’s founder is a badass woman!

You all know I love a brand with a mission, and even more than that, I love badass women! The Pelvic Clock was created by Yana Blinova, a former Olympic gymnastics coach, to support her back health with stretching and strength exercises. At the time, her doctors had recommended an invasive surgery to repair her back injuries, but instead she decided to see if she could heal herself, and the Pelvic clock was born. Now, thanks to her innovation, the Pelvic Clock helps women like myself who suffer from tight hips and lower back pain achieve flexibility, strength, and symmetry in the lower back, pelvic floor, and core—in order to prevent pain. I admire that Yana worked to find a solution for herself and once she saw the difference it could make, she made it available to everyone. 

Yana and the Pelvic Clock team were kind enough to offer all Pure Joy Wellness readers 10% off their Pelvic Clock order! Just use the code PUREJOYWELLNESS (in all caps). I hope you give the Pelvic Clock a try and let me know what you think over on our PJW Private Facebook Group and on Instagram

