How To Cope With Setbacks: My Tips & Tricks


This week’s blog post is inspired by the PJW Walking Challenge, but not in the way you would think. With the challenge coming to an end, I’ve taken some time to reflect and think about the obstacles a few of us had to deal with during the challenge—and it got me thinking about coping with setbacks.

This time around, three #PJWWalkingWarriors did not finish the Walking Challenge because of different injuries. One woman almost had a stroke. Another one suffered from back spasms, and the last one strained her calf muscle. 

No one is immune from sidelining events—not even me. There are numerous reasons why one might be forced to take an extended rest period from exercise, and it’s likely that each of us will face this scenario on at least one occasion. (Probably more, if you’re an active person.)

I guess what I’m trying to say is that injury, illness, and LIFE happens—but it’s how you handle these situations that makes all the difference. This isn’t to say that buckling down and charging forward more intensely is the right option (or only option); sometimes you have to take a step back, slow down, and let yourself heal.

So, in light of this, here are my suggestions for getting through a setback.

1. Change your mindset. 

Taking a break because you are ill or injured is not lazy and it’s not something you should allow yourself to feel any guilt over whatsoever. You have to do what’s best for your health and body, and sometimes rest is best. If you rest right the first time, you can sometimes cut down on your healing time, but if you deny yourself the chance to heal properly, you may find that your initial setback is a gift that keeps on giving. So, my advice is to get your mindset right and avoid getting down on yourself. Tell yourself: “This is what I need and I am going to do what I need to do to heal.” No one benefits from you beating yourself up!  

2. Be flexible. 

Instead of focusing on what you can’t do, focus on what you can do. Let’s say you’re dealing with a workout-related injury. If that’s the case, there’s almost always some kind of activity you can do (think flexibility, stretching, range of motion, basic movement integrity work). You can always alter a routine to work around an injury, but if you need more strict rest, you could use this as an opportunity to focus on your mobility. Be humble and honest with yourself, what can you do without causing additional pain or discomfort? Answer that question, and then build a workout from there. 

3. Keep your eye on the prize. 

The key to getting through a setback is to remember that setbacks are temporary. If you give your body the rest and recovery it needs, then it’s only a matter of time before you’re back to your old routine. To make sure you don’t get out of the habit of prioritizing your wellbeing, try setting aside the time you would normally work out and using it for other healthy activities such as meditating. This will ensure that your day-to-day life doesn’t get in the way of you taking care of yourself, even when you’re injured. 

4. Modify your goals. 

If you were shooting for a certain fitness goal and now you’re facing a setback, my advice is to make the necessary adjustments and give yourself more time to meet the goal. If, when you’re able to return to your old routine, you push yourself too hard and try to meet your original objective, you may become frustrated. Goals must be challenging but attainable; and to achieve them, you have to have patience. 

5. Focus on your nutrition.  

Regardless of your goals, while you are sidelined, it’s especially important to make sure you’re eating healthily. Focus on lean protein sources, fibrous vegetables, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and healthy fats. (You can find a full list of what I eat to stay healthy here.) Not only is eating well going to aid your recovery process, but it’s also going to make you feel better overall. Your physical and mental health will benefit—which is hugely important if you’re someone who tends to feel down when faced with setbacks. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2nd Pure Joy Wellness Walking Challenge! I am so happy that we made it through, and I can’t wait to do this again. If you haven’t already, make sure to join our Private Pure Joy Wellness Facebook Group, so you can stay up to date on challenges, blog posts, retreats, events, and more!

Until next time, 
