Why Jumping Rope Is My #1 Go-To Exercise (& How To Do It)


It’s no secret that I love to jump rope (and I can get very competitive about it!). Jumping rope was all I wanted to do as a child, and when I would play with my friends, we’d see who could jump the most times without skipping a beat. Today, it’s a consistent part of my daily workout routine—and I still find it just as fun! 

Many members of the PJW community have asked why I love jumping rope, and how they too can incorporate it into their workout routine. Below, I dive into the reasons why jumping rope is so good for you, and give you a mini guide for how to get started.

The Benefits Of Jumping Rope

1. Jumping rope burns a lot of calories. 

If you jump rope for an hour straight, you’ll burn anywhere from 800 to 1000 calories (for reference, walking for an hour burns 200 to 300). Also, if you can jump rope at a high intensity, you’ll burn calories both during your workout and throughout the rest of your day. I’d call that a win-win!

2. You can take it with you anywhere. 

A jump rope will fit into any suitcase, meaning you’ll always have what you need for a quick workout wherever you go. Even 10 minutes will help you stay fit when you’re away from your normal routine. 

3. It aids in balance and coordination. 

Jumping rope can help increase your coordination and balance. Not only will this help you excel in any new sport you try, but it’ll also keep you healthier and reduce your risk of injury. 

4. It helps you relax. 

As we know, exercise releases endorphins, and endorphins give you a sense of calm and relaxation. Jumping rope also forces your body to breathe deeply, which can clear your mind and sharpen your focus for the day ahead. 

5. It’s good for your heart. 

There’s no better workout to get your heart pumping than jumping rope. Doing so daily will improve your cardiovascular fitness, and by proxy, your stamina and endurance. 

Now that you know the benefits, let’s get you jumping! 

My Guide To Getting Started With Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a very demanding cardiovascular exercise—so it’s imperative that you warm up properly. Similarly, it’s wise to listen to your body, take breaks when you need to, and gradually increase the length of time you spend jumping. 

Tip #1: Find a rope that’s the proper length

First, you want to get a rope that is the proper length. To check, step on the middle of the rope with both feet together and the rope under the balls of your feet. Each handle should reach your armpit—if it’s too long, you can adjust it, but if it’s too short, you need a new rope. 

Tip #2: Add in music! 

I love listening to music whenever I work out, but especially when I’m jumping rope. It’s helpful to choose songs that set a measured pace (songs you can jump along to). For me, songs that are 140 beats per minute are great for jumping rope. 

Tip #3: Get the right shoes

In terms of what shoes to wear, the best shoes for jumping rope are cross trainers with an added pair of gel inserts. The gel inserts give the balls of your feet a cushion (you jump rope on the balls of your feet, so the inserts help lessen the impact). And if you can find cross trainers with ankle support, all the better! 

Tip #4: Choose clothes that protect you, at least to start. 

Learning how to jump rope can be frustrating at first. The rope will inevitably hit your skin (it happens!), and after a few times, it can start to sting a bit. I recommend wearing a thicker, long sleeve shirt and even sweatpants until you feel proficient enough to wear shorts and short sleeves. 

Tip #5: Jump on the right surface. 

We often see people jumping rope outside on the concrete, but for beginners, I would say steer clear. Instead, try to find a space with wood flooring, polished flooring, or indoor or outdoor carpet. Jumping on a softer surface will lessen the impact on your body, making it easier to keep jumping! 

Below, I’ve outlined how to do a The Basic Jump. Before you start, know that it’s okay if the basic jump doesn’t happen for you right away. If you’re having some trouble, try pretending you have the handle of the rope in each hand, and turn your wrist in time with the beat of the music. Then try to sync up your wrist and feet—as your feet land on the beat, your hands will be pointed to the ground at the same time you land. Put both handles of the rope in one hand and practice jumping in rhythm with the music while turning the rope. Do this for the duration of the basic jump, and eventually you will teach your body to execute more efficiently!

The Basic Jump

Grab your jump rope with both hands, swing it in front of you, and then jump over it. This is what you typically see people doing when they jump rope.  Keep your heels off the ground, land on the ball of your feet, keep your knees slightly bent, and use your wrist as the motor. 

Like everything else in life, jumping rope takes practice. I’m personally obsessed with it, and it’s helped take my overall fitness to the next level. I hope you’ll give jump roping a try, and let me know what you think on our Private Pure Joy Wellness Facebook Group. I’d love to see your jump ropes videos, so feel free to post them! 

