The Five-Minute Workout Even Busy Women Can Fit Into Their Busy Days

In this day and age, we’re all super busy. We have so much going on in every sphere of our lives—we have obligations to our family, friends, and work, and we have a multitude of responsibilities that come with every role we play. So when it comes to fitting exercise into your already hectic schedule, you probably assume you don’t have time for it, and you immediately think “yea right, that’s not happening.” But research has shown that you don’t have to trudge along on the treadmill for hours at a time or lift 100 pound weights to reap the benefits of exercise. If you’re a busy woman like me, keep on reading. 

Studies have shown that brief periods of physical activity do add up, and together, they have a positive effect on our weight and overall health. How brief are we talking? Just five minutes! As busy as we are, we ALL have five minutes to spare.

To assist all the busy women I know, I’ve put together a five minute, full-body workout. It’s simple, effective, and will make you feel amazing. Each movement I’ve included is a compound exercise, which means it works multiple muscle groups in your body, giving you the most bang for your buck. 

This workout is short, but definitely effective—you can even do it right before you shower in the morning or at night. There’s no excuse to not give it a try! Below I’ve listed out the movements, and I’ve included both written cues and video demonstrations from Ivana Bolf, one of my favorite fitness coaches at Body Space Fitness


In this workout, there are FIVE movements total. You should do each movement for 30 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and do it again, for a total of one minute per movement. In the videos, Ivana is using weights, but if you’re new to strength training, you can start with just your bodyweight or small weights. 

1. Squat to Shoulder Press

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart. Bend your elbows to hold the dumbbells at shoulder height. Inhale.

  • Looking straight ahead, bend at both the hips and knees until your upper legs are parallel with the floor. Exhale. 

  • Push through your heels and extend your legs to return to the starting position at the same time, extend your elbows to press the dumbbells about your head. Your arms should be inline with your ears. Inhale. 

  • Bend your elbow to lower the dumbbells and return to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds. Do this exercise two times through, for a total of one minute.

2. Bent Over Rows with Tricep Kickbacks

  • Lean forward and bend both knees, keeping a flat back. Extend your arms so they are straight. 

  • Lift the dumbbells straight up to chest level, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Keep your elbows in and pointed upward. Be sure not to arch your back. 

  • Straighten your arms behind you, with your palm facing in. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. Squeeze your triceps, and then bend your elbows to return the weights to your chest. 

  • Lower your weights and extend your arms to return to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds. Do this exercise two times through, for a total of one minute. 

3. Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curls

  • Begin with your feet together, holding dumbbells at your sides. 

  • Step your right foot back into a deep lunge. Make sure your left knee is directly over your ankle. 

  • As you are in this lunge position bring the weights to your shoulders for the bicep curl. Lower the weight back to your sides. 

  • Focus on your left glute as you step your right foot forward to the starting position.  Repeat, lunging the left foot back. This counts as one rep. Keep alternating for 30 seconds, and repeat this exercise twice. 

4. Bird Dog/Push ups

  • Start in a high plank and do a push up. 

  • After you come up from the push up, lift one opposite arm and leg outwards so that you are balancing on the other hand and foot. 

  • Return your arm and leg that is extended to the floor and perform another pushup and extend the opposite arm and leg. 

  • Alternate each side for 30 seconds. Pause after, and then repeat for another 30 seconds. 

5. Standing Criss Cross Crunches

  • Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, and your hands behind your head. 

  • Bend your right leg and lift your knee as high as you can. Rotate your torso to the right and bring your right knee to your left elbow. 

  • When doing the standing criss cross crunches, engage your core muscles, open your elbows, keep your neck relaxed and your back straight. Breathe out as you crunch and keep the movement smooth and steady. 

  • Repeat on the opposite side and keep alternating. Alternate for 30 seconds, two times through. 

And that’s it! You did it! This workout is not only great for physical health, it’s also a serious mental health booster. When I’m feeling down or anxious, and feel like I don’t have time for a full workout, I do this short circuit and immediately feel a weight lifted off of me. 

I want to send a huge shoutout to Ivana for filming these demonstrations for us! You can find her on Instagram here, or over on the Body Space Fitness site!

Give this workout a try and let me know what you think! 

