Extra Quarantine Pounds? Get Rid Of Them With These Two Steps


I have a confession to make… I have put on a bit of weight during quarantine. And now, I think it’s time to address it. Anyone with me?

Getting yourself back on track with your nutrition and fitness can be challenging, especially during these trying times. It’s no secret that it’s been a tough year, and if eating healthy and exercising have taken a backseat for a bit, that’s okay. That said, if you’re ready to get back in the saddle and keep working towards your weight loss goals, here’s what I recommend. 

Step 1:  Find the “what”

Weight gain does not happen overnight, and it certainly doesn’t happen for no reason. (This, of course, doesn’t include those with serious health conditions who may experience weight gain that’s out of their control.) For most of us, weight loss and weight gain are a matter of calories in and calories out. Gaining a few pounds means that we aren’t burning as many calories as we are eating, so the first step in losing those pounds is figuring out where those extra calories are coming from. 

To do that, we have to take a close look at our daily actions. What are we eating, how much, and when? What have we added to our diet that wasn’t there before? If we’re gaining weight, we must be doing something differently, and we may have formed unconscious habits over quarantine that are contributing to weight gain. Having a few pieces of candy here or an extra handful of nuts there may not even register in your brain when it’s happening, but it can quickly become part of your everyday life and add excess calories to your diet. 

So to find the “what,” aka what is causing your weight gain, spend a few days writing down everything that you eat. During this time, eat as you have been for the last few weeks. In other words, don’t try to avoid the extra food or snacks on these days, because we’re trying to pinpoint the causes of the weight gain. Once you get a sense of where those extra calories are coming from, you can escort those foods out of your diet, or measure out a single portion. (My advice is to give them away and not keep them in the house—it makes avoiding them way easier!)

Step 2:  Find the “why”

Once you’ve identified the source(s) of the weight gain, it’s time to find the “why” and figure out how to combat that. Why are you eating half a pint of ice cream before bed every night? Why are you opting for sugary cereal in the morning or buying other processed foods at the store? Usually we can trace these behaviors back to emotions—we’re all human, and we all look for comfort when we experience strong, often uncomfortable emotions. When you grab that 4 pm candy bar, is it because you’re stressed? When you eat a bag of chips in front of the TV, are you trying to quell your depression? What is the motivating factor behind your actions, and what can you do instead to address the underlying issues? 

Personally, I find myself eating unhealthy foods when I’m feeling sad, depressed, or anxious. I always tell my friends that if they see me with a bag of potato chips, you know something is wrong. Instead of turning to food to soothe my emotions, I try to find other outlets for those feelings. Going for a walk and getting some fresh air, calling a close friend or family member to catch up, exercising (even for 15 or 20 minutes), or journaling are excellent ways to hold space for your emotions and help you through low periods. Also, if it’s within your budget or covered by your insurance, consider seeking out a therapist who can help you unpack your emotions, address the root causes, and find other ways to cope. 

Bottom line: If you gained weight during quarantine and want to get rid of it, know that you CAN and you WILL if you take the right steps. Fluctuations in weight are normal, and in some cases can even be healthy, but I understand more than anyone the desire to feel at home in your body and feel like you’re your healthiest self. 

For more tips and a community of women to support you, join our Pure Joy Wellness Private Facebook Group! (We’re starting a 5 Day Challenge on January 6, which is designed to help you set goals and achieve them ASAP!)

