Why Having A Strong Core Is So Important For Women

A question I often get from my clients is: “Why do I need a strong core?” And their second question is almost always: “How do I get one?”

These are super common and valid questions, so in this week’s blog post, I decided to answer both!

First of all, what is your core?

When you think of the word “core,” you might envision six-pack abs or a washboard stomach, but having a strong, healthy core is about much more than that. Your core consists of all the muscles in your trunk—they surround your abdomen on all sides, which allows your body to twist, bend, and rotate, support your spine, and aid in posture. In other words, it’s at the center of everything you do. 

Why do you need a strong core? 

Put simply, a solid core is essential for becoming stronger and more fit, safely and effectively (aka without getting injured). Your core is your center, and it helps your body support and stabilize itself, which is important for joint health. We also need that stabilizing action when we exercise—whether we’re jogging, lifting weights, or doing yoga—and when we engage in daily activities like carrying our kids, hauling groceries home, and even vacuuming. 

Tips on starting a core exercise routine for beginners

Many core exercises for beginners involve the cue to engage or brace your core. This action provides stability, and helps you perform the movements correctly. For example, before crunching or planking or doing other core-focused exercises, it’s important to be able to draw your belly in, belly button to spine.

If you’re struggling to understand what exactly this means, follow these pointers.

  • Take a big breath in, let your belly expand, then exhale with a little force.

  • Feel your belly pull back in, and tighten your ab muscles.

  • Start slow with two core workouts a week, which should take no more than 10 or 15 minutes. Remember that your body needs time to adjust to new things, and as you get stronger, you’ll be able to do more! 

Over time, as your core gets stronger, you may notice that your workouts and your daily life feel easier. That’s the goal! You want to build “muscle memory,” so you don’t have to think about it all the time, and so your body functions better. This will help you become efficient at turning on your core so you don’t have to focus so much on consciously having to engage it in daily life.

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